Indications for use:
- Supports early skeletal development in chicks and piglets.
- In layers increases egg weight, egg mass and reduction in cracked eggs. Please see Efficacy of the use of Hy-D® in laying hens.
- Hy-D® is known to increase weaning weight, gilt-sow selection rate and bone strength in pigs.
- L-carnitine increases energy metabolism and improves liver function.
- Promotes and regulates the deposition of calcium and phosphate in bones and egg shells.
- Rickets.
- Contains an activated form of the ‘sunshine vitamin’ D3.
- Why use vitamin D3 in pigs. Please see Vitamin D deficiency in Swine article.
- A source of l-carnitine.
- If you’re certified as an organic producer ring us on 01743 884940 or for further information click here.
Recommended rate:
Broilers, breeders, commercial layers, turkeys and game birds:- 100 ml per 1,000 Litres of drinking water.
Pigs:- 50ml per 1,000 Litres of drinking water.
Use in accordance with the product label.